Follow the Leaders: the Best Twitter Accounts for Improving Your Financial Health

When you’re on the hunt for inspirational financial advice in 280 characters or less, look no further than the Twitter accounts of these successful entrepreneurs, tech innovators and money gurus. The Sharks are definitely on board with this school of thought.

Richard Branson

A self-made billionaire, Richard Branson has done it all, and with great success. Beginning with his first venture, a magazine he founded as a teenager, Branson has started an airline, a railroad, a space company, and an ocean exploration company. His advice is inspirational, especially for entrepreneurs. Tweets by richardbranson

Mark Cuban

He’s not only a Shark, he’s one of the wealthiest people in the world. When Mark Cuban talks money, people listen. A big proponent of saving time and money – which is why he now backs Billshark – Cuban has excellent advice for businesspeople and consumers. Check out his account for tweets on everything from sports, to entrepreneurship and success. Tweets by mcuban

Dave Ramsey

Businessman, author, radio host and financial guru, Dave Ramsey is the trusted voice on money. Learning from his own financial mistakes, he studied how money really works and now counsels others to take control of their finances. He also gives back to the community: check out Billshark’s 1 Bill, 1 Child program with Ramsey Solutions.

Ron Lieber

As the Your Money columnist for the New York Times and author of “The Opposite of Spoiled,” Lieber offers financial advice on everything from teaching your kids about money and values to paying for college and your mortgage. Tweets by ronlieber

Michelle Singletary

The Washington Post’s personal finance writer of the nationally syndicated and award-winning column, The Color of Money, Singletary offers financial advice on everything from dealing with debt, taxes and planning for retirement.

The Points Guy

The final word on everything travel, Brian Kelly, also known as the Points Guy, gives advice on maximizing travel experiences while minimizing spending. Tweets by thepointsguy

Nicholas Thompson

The Editor in Chief of Wired shares the latest tech news. Tweets by nxthompson

Tim O’Reilly

The founder of O’Reilly Media, O’Reilly tweets about technology and shares the stories of its’ innovators. Tweets by timoreilly

And don’t forget to jump in the water with us. Follow the Sharks to get great advice on saving money and lowering your monthly bills.Tweets by realBillshark

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