Spring Clean Your Finances

This spring, you can purge more than just the excess in your closet and garage. It’s a great time to declutter your finances too! There’s no better way to shed winter doldrums than to start fresh this spring. Here are just some ideas to achieve Billshark’S trifecta: get organized, start saving and prosper.

  1. Declutter your desk. All bills can be paid online or by phone so there’s no reason to keep that ever-growing pile of paper bills. Buy a paper shredder and take a couple of days to eliminate all the paper on and in your desk.
  2. Declutter your wallet. If your wallet is starting to resemble an overstuffed pouch, you’re probably storing too many receipts. Try Scanner Pro or Foreceipt to scan and manage your receipts digitally.
  3. Declutter your bills. After Billshark lowers your monthly bills, try FileThis, a platform that organizes all your online bills and even sets reminders to pay on time.
  4. Declutter your subscriptions. If you’re still paying for a monthly subscription to that magazine you haven’t read in a year, or you forgot to cancel a free trial, it’s time to download TrueBill and clean house. Quite simply, this app will identify all your current subscription and cancel all your requested subscriptions, in seconds.
  5. Declutter your day. Although something may sound simple to do yourself, some things are better left to a professional. When it comes to taxes, financial planning and even negotiating your bills, delegating to an experienced pro can give you peace of mind and will add hours to your day and money to your bank account.

Happy spring cleaning!

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