Our Top Picks: Bill and Budget Services

Do you have a household budget set in place? If you do, then you know just how crucial it is for financial security. If you don’t, we’ve got some tips that will put you on the right track! Many consumers are starting to use bill and budgeting services such as digital softwares, apps and websites to ensure that the financial aspect of life keeps moving smoothly and stress-free. Ultimately, these services help keep track of your money and spending, which is an excellent way to stay informed and act quickly upon discovering a spending problem. Keep reading to see how these services function, which great companies we’ve discovered and how they can help you.

How these companies work:

Moven provides a digital bank account, paired with an innovative app, to help you track your finances in real time and manage your overall spending. The consumer receives a debit card that is connected to their Moven account. Every time he or she spends money, the app records the use. The user can then create budgets, review charts and graphs, and examine his or her “wants and needs” spending. The person can change his or her habits by removing some of the “wants” from the list and focusing on the needs.

Mint allows you to see all your balances and transactions together. Mint automatically pulls all your financial information into one place, so you can finally get the entire picture all at once. Add the accounts, cards and bills you’d like. See what you have and what you owe. Mint allows you to easily track your spending patterns, investments and more.

Prism brings everything together on your mobile phone’s screen so that you can check your balance and make payments whenever you’d like. It shows the user the whole picture so that he or she can see items that are becoming due and know whether or not a timely payment is possible. Organization is the name of the game here!

Clarity, while not fully available to the public just yet, is a digital personal financial concierge that is currently testing their beta version. The Clarity app pools all of your accounts and helps you take control of your finances by getting you a better deal on all of your financial relationships, ultimately saving you money. Stay tuned for their release.

Are these digital finance services for you?

Bill and budgeting programs can be helpful for anyone, from the wealthiest to those struggling to make ends meet. Consumers tend to miss paying their bills because they can’t see all of the information in front of them at once and need that “big picture” that these services provide. These apps and companies level the playing field and line everything up so that the consumer can see the obligations and spending habits.

Budgeting is so important in getting yourself (and staying) on track financially. These services strive to make that easier for you. We all need to see the big picture sometimes!

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