5 Ways to Improve Your Finances in 2018

For most people, the new year is a clean slate and an excellent opportunity to set new goals. Among the most popular resolutions for 2018 is to eat better and exercise more, but the one that really piques Billshark’s interest is the equally popular resolution to save money and ensure a healthier financial future. Here are a few easy steps you can take to start your year off on the right fin.

1. Pay your bills. Late payments can really add up so avoid paying more by paying on time. Taking care of bills promptly also helps you gain financial perspective and keeps you from splurging on purchases that you cannot afford.

2. Decrease your credit card debt. According to NerdWallet, the average American household carries a credit card debt with a balance of $15,654. According to NerdWallet’s survey, people blame their debt on unnecessary spending. This means that consumers have a choice: they can cut their spending and decrease their debt. Resolve to cut out unnecessary indulgences this year.

3. Improve your credit score. A higher score means better rates on a mortgage of a car loan. So how can you improve it? Pay your bills on time!

4. Financial literacy. Understanding the basics can help you save a lot of money. According to a report from CNBC, you could be losing up to five figures by making four very costly mistakes.

5. Improve your health. Medical expenses can be crippling. Although many health issues are unforeseen and unavoidable, taking steps to improve your overall health can go a very long way to decreasing future medical expenses.

Every new year is a chance to do better. The less you have to worry about your finances, the more you can focus on the things that make you happy. The Sharks wish you health, happiness and prosperity in 2018.

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