Getting Refunds and Relief During the COVID-19 Crisis

As the COVID-19 crisis continues to unfold around the world, consumers are left to navigate the challenging financial twists and

How the Sprint/T-Mobile Merger Will Affect You

Late last month, the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) finally approved the $26.5 billion merger of telecom giants T-Mobile and

AT&T Sued for Hidden Fees

Another day, another bogus fee from a big service provider. AT&T is facing a lawsuit due to its $1.99 “administrative

How In-App Purchases are Victimizing Consumers

If your child is racking up charges from in-app purchases online, you’re not alone. They are likely victims of “bait

3 Ways the T-Mobile – Sprint Merger May Affect You

Washington is questioning the impact of the T-Mobile-Sprint merger on consumers in the United States. On January 24, five US

3 Ways Verizon is Cheating its Customers

How does Verizon overcharge its customers? Let us count the ways.   Tier Flattening   If you think the speed

3 Ways AT&T is Taking Advantage of You

1. AT&T is Quietly Raising Wireless Fees If you’re an AT&T customer, you may have given up on analyzing the

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