Navigating the Rising Tide: How Telecommunication & other Service Providers Quietly Increase Your Bills - and how Billshark can help!

Have you ever wondered why your telecommunication bills seem to climb every few months or years, even when your usage and

California Wins in Net Neutrality Fight

When we left off last, BILLSHARK was telling you about the previous administration’s apparent success in halting 2018 a California

The Comcast Cap is Coming. What Customers Can Do About It?

Comcast customers in the Northeast will be getting some unpleasant news starting in January. In 12 states, from North Carolina to

Getting Refunds and Relief During the COVID-19 Crisis

As the COVID-19 crisis continues to unfold around the world, consumers are left to navigate the challenging financial twists and

Everybody is Talking About Affordable High-Speed Internet

If you’ve been following the news lately, you’ve probably been hearing a lot about the importance of high-speed internet.  You

AT&T Faces Lawsuit for Another Hidden Fee

Strange fees are appearing on consumers’ bills with much greater frequency these days.   It was recently discovered that AT&T

How the Net Neutrality Fight Will Be Waged in 2019

BILLSHARK has long been an advocate of net neutrality, the principle that all Internet traffic should be treated equally. As

3 Ways Frontier Communications is Screwing its Customers

Is no one safe from the shady practices of corporate communications giants? The 4th largest telecom in the United States,

Latest News from the Net Neutrality Front

BILLSHARK promised to keep you apprised of developments on net neutrality, so we thought you should know about the latest

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