Best Purchases to Make During the Winter

Winter and the holidays are quickly approaching, and this means it’s the perfect time to go out and purchase all kinds of things. This article will cover the best purchases you can make during the winter. These things can also make great gifts for loved ones.


Winter is by far the best time of the year to buy electronics. Most retailers have big sales in November and December for the holidays and to clear out their end of year inventory. New models are announced in January which means that you can pick up many of the previous year models at a discounted price. You can find a lot of good deals after the holidays too.


You might not think of jewelry as a winter gift, which is why retailers discount jewelry in the winter. Many deals can be found at jewelers all over the country during the months of January and March.  However, don’t expect to see many jewelry discounts in February. Jewelry stores don’t usually discount jewelry for Valentine’s Day.


Winter is cold, so the first thing people want to do is snuggle up under a big warm blanket. Retailers have a large selection of blankets available for purchase. These can include big knit blankets that are warm and soft or electric blankets.

Foot Warmers

Do you have cold feed during the winter? You probably do if you like to go barefoot indoors. A foot warmer solves this problem. It’s simply a heated pad that you can rest your feet on while sitting down. The foot warmer allows you to go barefoot inside during the winter without having to worry about getting uncomfortably cold feet. It’s especially useful if you have hardwood floors or tile.

Winter Equipment

You want to make sure that you have all your winter equipment ready to go before winter starts. However, the snow blower may break or you’ve misplaced your tire chains. These are good items to buy during the winter season.

Summer Clothes

You might find it strange that people buy summer clothes during winter, but it makes perfect sense. Stores that still have summer clothing stock will want to clear the shelves for scarves, parkas, and jackets. It provides you with the opportunity to pick up shorts, polo shirts, and sandals at a decent discount, so you are ready when the weather warms up.

Christmas Decorations

In the same vein as summer clothes, you can purchase Christmas decorations at a big discount immediately following Christmas. In fact, you can almost always find artificial trees, ornaments, and Christmas tree light items at a massive discount as stores clear their shelves in preparation for Valentine’s Day.

If you have a decent amount of storage available, then stocking up on your Christmas decorations after Christmas is definitely a good way to save money and you won’t find yourself scrambling the next year.

Wool Socks

If you do a lot of walking outside (or inside) during the winter, then a good pair of wool socks are great. Wool socks can be found during the winter at a lot of different retailers.


Most people like to keep their home nice and toasty during the winter. The downside of keeping your home warm is that the heat will dry out your home. A humidifier will add much-needed humidity to any space and make you much more comfortable.

If you do not already have one, then purchasing one during winter is a great time to get one since retailers will have a much larger selection of humidifiers that you can purchase opposed to any other time of the year.

Light Therapy Lamp

Winter means shorter days, which means less sunlight. Scientists have discovered that sun is important for keeping your circadian rhythm on a good schedule. Bonus – it can also make you feel better. You can purchase a light therapy lamp to start feeling good again.

Tea Kettle

If you are a tea drinker, then getting a tea kettle for the winter is a necessity. You probably don’t want to trudge through snow and tough out the cold just to get a cup of warm tea. A tea kettle allows you to make the tea that you normally buy from the local coffee store from the comfort of your own home.

Slow Cooker

Nothing tastes better than a warm and comforting bowl of soup during the cold winter months. Fortunately, you can use a slow cooker to make all kinds of different soups. They’re really easy to use too. You can find thousands of soup recipes online, buy the ingredients, and toss them in the slow cooker. Many retailers sell them at a pretty decent price.

Comfortable Relaxation Pants

You probably have a nice thick pair of pants for when you leave the house, but do you have a comfortable pair of pants for lounging around the house?

If you don’t, then purchasing one might be worth it. Something like a loose fitting pair of sweatpants will work fine. They breathe easy, but they are still soft and keep you warm. Plus, you can find them at a low price almost anywhere.


This one might sound strange, but it makes sense once you know the reason. Champagne is actually at its lowest price during the winter. The reason?

People don’t tend to drink champagne during the winter months. Stores know this and to encourage customers to purchase champagne they lower the price. If you are a champagne fan, then the winter months are definitely the time to enjoy your champagne.

Warm Slippers

Slippers during the winter have two main uses. The first use is for inside your house. The other use is for quick errands outside. For instance, if you have to get the mail, then sliding on a pair of slippers is much easier than putting a bulky pair of boots. They will protect your feet enough that you are still comfortable, but you probably do not want to wear them when you run errands. Fortunately, there are some slippers, such as Uggs, that you can wear grocery shopping without getting weird looks from other shoppers.

Video Games

Game studios generally release new games during the fall before the holidays. The holiday demand for video games usually subsides by January though. This means that retailers will discount video games to move them off the shelf once the holidays are over.

A Snow Shovel

If you live in an area that gets snow, then you probably have a snow shovel.  Even if you have a snow blower, a snow shovel is still useful. It works great for small amounts of snow that may block your door or your car.

As you can see, there are lots of things that you can purchase during winter at great discounts, which will allow you to save money. It’s never a bad idea to do some research to find sales so that you can take advantage of great prices.

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